Friday, December 14, 2007

Milk Allergy In The News: Milk, Egg Allergy Harder To Outgrow

Childhood milk and egg allergy is becoming harder to outgrow than in the recent past, according to a new study, says this article from Reuters.


Alisa said...

I am so excited that a news organization like reuters has FINALLY picked up this story. I reported on it a month ago - - but wasn't seeing it get the press it deserved. Thanks for giving the heads up!

Kira said...

I also knew it for a long time, because of my son's current allergist, Dr. Schuberth, told me they weren't outgrowing it easily anymore.
He used to share his office with Dr. Wood, who is the author of the study at Johns Hopkins.
Dr. Wood was also my son's allergist for a while, before he became head of pediatric allergy and immunology at Hopkins. Now it takes many months to get an appointment with him!